Celine Druart

Company: Pharmabiotic Research Institute

Job title: Executive Director


New EU SoHO Regulation & Proposed Pharmaceutical Legislation: Implications for Microbiome-Based Medicinal Product Development 2:00 pm

Human microbiome samples are now included within the scope of the new EU SoHO regulation  Human microbiome samples used as SoHO preparation and/or starting material for the production of microbiome-based medicinal products will have to follow the standards and requirements set by this new SoHO regulation The upcoming new European General pharmaceutical legislation will specify…Read more

day: Conference Day One

Panel Discussion: Establishing Standards in Microbiome Clinical Studies to Enable Confidence in Comparable Data 12:00 pm

Uncover perspectives on the challenges in ensuring clinical data reproducibility, including the evaluation of current methods and studies to data Where does the industry see opportunities to harmonise study designs and protocols to support data interpretation? Learn areas of industry progression and opportunities for collaborative efforts to standardise methodologiesRead more

day: Conference Day One

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