Dr. Chris Ford

Company: Seres Therapeutics
Job title: Senior Vice President, Discovery & Translational Biology
Targeting Unmet Clinical Needs in Medically Vulnerable Patient Populations: SER-155 Phase 1b Trial Results in Allo-HSCT Patients 11:00 am
Leveraging a Phase 1b clinical trial strategy to evaluate safety and drug pharmacology, as well as obtain insights on clinical efficacy SER-155 safety was well-tolerated in both open-label patient cohort and placebo-controlled cohort Observation of significant reduction in both bacterial bloodstream infections (BSIs) and systemic antibiotic exposure with expected drug pharmacokinetics, as well as lower…Read more
day: Conference Day One
Panel Discussion: Establishing Standards in Microbiome Clinical Studies to Enable Confidence in Comparable Data 12:00 pm
Uncover perspectives on the challenges in ensuring clinical data reproducibility, including the evaluation of current methods and studies to data Where does the industry see opportunities to harmonise study designs and protocols to support data interpretation? Learn areas of industry progression and opportunities for collaborative efforts to standardise methodologiesRead more
day: Conference Day One