Christopher Papandreou

Company: Institute of Health Pere Virgili (IISPV), Spain | Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Job title: Clinical & Epidemiological Neuroscience | Nutrition & Dietetics
Microbiota & Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Overview of Epidemiological Evidence & Future Research Directions 9:00 am
Current evidence linking gut microbiota composition and activity to Alzheimer’s disease Mechanisms underlying the role of microbiota in Alzheimer’s disease Uncovering microbiota biomarkers predictive of disease, moving towards precision medicine and less invasive testing options for patientsRead more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day
Extended Q&A: Resetting Thinking Around the Gut-Brain Axis 10:00 am
Discussing approaches to biomarker discovery and development Addressing challenges in study standardisation to objectively measure the microbiome’s correlation with neurological conditions Outlining how to approach future data generation to better demonstrate the mechanistic links between the microbiome and diseaseRead more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day